22 Οκτωβρίου, 2024
Σύλλογος Μεταπτυχιακών Κοινωνικής & Αλληλέγγυας Οικονομίας
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Η κοινωνική και αλληλέγγυα οικονομία στην εποχή της πανδημίας

Προηγούμενο Άρθρο

Έναρξη λειτουργίας του συλλόγου

Επόμενο Άρθρο

ICA CCR European Research Conference – Athens 2022

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Κοινωνική και Αλληλέγγυα Οικονομία

Documentary “Solidarity Economy in Barcelona” (English version)

Catalonia has been historically a fertile land of the co-operative movement and now is one of world’s leading regions in terms of solidarity economy which is in close touch with different social movements. This documentary highlights a number of such initiatives in Barcelona, such as healthcare, housing, incubator, bar, finance and culture, as well as XES (Catalan Solidarity Economy Network) which links such experiences.

Community Economies

Introducing Community Economies

This 5 minute film provides an introduction to the key concepts and approach of Community Economies scholarship, informed by the work of J.K. Gibson-Graham, and inspiring the research, teaching, learning, activism and artwork of more than 250 members of the Community Economies Research Network around the globe.


An Interview with Elinor Ostrom

Margaret Levi, Editor of the Annual Review of Political Science, talks with Elinor Ostrom. In this prefatory interview, Dr. Ostrom talks about her personal journey in academia, not only as a woman, but also as a non-traditional student who worked outside of academia before pursuing graduate work. She discusses her belief in collaboration and multi-disciplinary research, as well as her research in common-pool resources and governance.